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IT consulting

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Advising companies on issues of information technologies is one of the priority areas of our system integration Department. Today the market for it consulting gains momentum, more and more companies apply for consulting services to professionals of their field and it has its reasons.

The complexity of information systems, software code, hardware and number of standards has increased. Our company works with many participants of the modern it market, with companies-developers of software and hardware, telecommunications companies, international organizations involved in the development of standards in the field of it, leading systems integrators. Just as we have our own successful experience in realization of various projects, which we are ready to share with you.

The benefits of it consulting

It Consulting helps to identify various issues at all stages of any it project, the feasibility of the software products or solutions, technical compatibility and the possibility of implementing a functional, integration with third party information systems and many others. Already in the first phase of the company-customer advantages-subject matter expert estimation of the object or automation technologies.  Results of it consulting, presented in the form of various accounting documents can be used as materials for making strategic business decisions.

Tasks and types of it consulting

Often customers do not even imply that they need professional it consulting. Usually, it all starts with simple questions that pop up in the process of solving more serious and meaningful tasks without professional systems approach does not solve, here starts it consulting.

  • Audit of information systems
  • Strategic it consulting, cost effectiveness of information systems
  • It service management and it management
  • Office business applications and it infrastructure
  • Consulting when selecting hardware and software

Professionalism and competence

You can see in our professionalism, requesting information about us, our business partners, including software and hardware vendors, certification authorities and the training of it professionals, as well as other participants of the market of information technologies. Each status, competence, certificate or any other document produced by our company, reveals the professionalism and gives us the right to provide certified services.

To send request for it consulting, please use the feedback form.
Preferred currency
Exchange rates
Rate of Russian Central Bank. Updated: 10.11.2022 01:15
1 EURO = 61.2445 руб.
1 USD = 61.0611 руб.
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