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IT audit

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The goal of any verification (audit) is to monitor the real situation. How to use the data to decide the leadership of the company, the important thing is that without reliable data to make a decision is simply not possible.

The result of it audit is the expert assessment of the status of the testing object or it infrastructure. Depending on the challenges facing our client our specialists will analyze the effectiveness of your IT infrastructure, validate the license registration, accounting and legal documents, will develop and help implement the company documents the rules, it works and the use of it resources.

The client receives the full records with detailed information on the audited object.

Our company offers a full range of integrated services to analyse the existing IT infrastructure or developing recommendations for a new.
To send a request on it audit, please use the feedback form.
Preferred currency
Exchange rates
Rate of Russian Central Bank. Updated: 10.11.2022 01:15
1 EURO = 61.2445 руб.
1 USD = 61.0611 руб.
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