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How we work

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Address of the management company

Христофоров В.Ю.
Hello, dear visitors!

On behalf of myself and I want to express my appreciation to you and thank you for choosing «Softwizard» as a provider of licensed software. We will do our best to help you - our customer praise assortment, price level, speed and quality of services.

Contact me, write a review, compliment or complain can using the feedback form.

Sincerely, Deputy General Director of "K-Trade" («Softwizard») Khristoforov Vladimir

Operating Principles

Each person has a vital principles on which it is based, which goes through life. Principles of our company similar to those of an honest man.

Honesty in relationships with clients and partners

From the moment the first call to our website, buyer or just a visitor sees real prices, delivery times and stock status. All our relationships are backed by a contractual relationship, the only way to achieve legal "purity" of all trades. We are an honest business, developing IT industry, helping software companies, pay taxes and create new jobs.

The publicity company

Perform a search query with the name of our company in any of the search engines and you immediately make sure that our company is popular among different population groups. Discuss software product licensing scheme, share news vendor, or just chat informally as possible on the page of a social group. Our team members support groups and answer questions. Communication for us "without ties" - one of the ways to know you better.


To ensure the best quality of work, we minimize the human factor, as far as possible, to eliminate the probable errors. E-commerce system of our online shop constantly improving, developing new services, automated business processes. Without special tools and technologies impossible to modern internet business, we have everything you need and even more.

The quality of work

The company has a strict quality control at all stages of the customer and suppliers. All calls are recorded for later analysis of the behavior of managers, system of motivation and performance (KPI) are designed so that employees not only focused on making money as such. We believe this approach to work should be at most companies that want to get loyalty from clients and business partners.

Business reputation

We value our name and business reputation. Company «Softwizard» simply can not afford to have a bad reputation, the company is constantly working with foreign partners, many relationships are formed more than a year. On the Internet, there are many independent sites with reviews of various companies have reviewed and about us.

If you need to license the software, please, fulfill your order at the proper level!

Preferred currency
Exchange rates
Rate of Russian Central Bank. Updated: 10.11.2022 01:15
1 EURO = 61.2445 руб.
1 USD = 61.0611 руб.
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