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«Softwizard» today

«Softwizard» — daily updates for the largest specialized online shop of licensed software.

The core business is the supply of licensed software (software). Due to established business relationships with manufacturers and favorable conditions of work, the company has been recognized not only in Russia but also abroad. The company «Softwizard» successfully cooperates with major international and domestic producers of the software. We always follow the novelties of the software market, replenish its catalog of products offered, we conclude a new partnership agreement and execute the work to improve the quality of service of its customers. Employees are constantly improving their knowledge in the field of licensing, training sessions are held on separate software products, attend conferences, exhibitions and presentations.

Advantages of cooperating with «Softwizard»

  • a wide range of licensed software. More than 300 vendors and more than 50,000 names of software products, approximately 100 different categories and sub-categories of software. Various channels and forms of delivery (OEM, BOX, electronic and corporate licenses, lease licenses SaaS), as well as "exotic" software on demand;
  • shortest delivery time. Depending on the supply chain and the type of license delivery times may vary from a few minutes to a few weeks (physical delivery from abroad, customs formalities);
  • competitive prices. All prices catalog and price list correspond to the prices of manufacturers, we make no extra charges!
  • a high level of customer service. The company «Softwizard» work only certified managers for licensing and sales. They will help you choose the necessary software to the client needs, offering the best in terms of costs and further development of the IT infrastructure, methods of licensing;
  • free advice on licensing software. Every visitor to our site can get free advice on a particular software product, its licensing rules, features and price. Therefore, before purchasing and implementing a customer can make the "right" choice of software products, and optimally matched licensing model will save a significant part of the budget;
  • thematic knowledge base. On the Web site at any time of the day you can find: information about software licensing, laws and legal documents, articles, news and more. This information will be useful for directors, accountants, managers, and IT professionals;
  • free basic technical support. The client is entitled to a free consultation by phone and e-mail, assistance in the purchase and renewal of licenses;
  • legal validity of the transaction to any copyright. At the request of the client or inspection bodies we will promptly provide a full set of documents certifying the legal purity of the transaction.

Innovative e-commerce — platform

The system allows to successfully market a variety of software, regardless of the type of delivery, the type of license, and other parameters.
The system automatically communicates with developers and software vendors, customers always get the latest information on all software products catalog, including the prices and quantities of goods in the warehouse. All prices catalog and price lists are translated according to the exchange rates. We do not engage in spamming, but resort to personalized E-mail marketing, every subscriber receives our personal newsletter with quality information material.
Thanks to a flexible system of e-commerce, we are not particularly limited in functionality, more detailed information on the basic product can be found on the official website of Kentico CMS.


We invite you to partner software vendors, sponsors, advertising agencies, banks and other institutions, more detailed information can be found in a special section "Partnerships".

For service providers and third-party products

If you would like to offer us your products or services (except software), please send your business offers a special e-mail address — offers@softwizard.ru; mail sent to other addresses will be ignored and the sender's address recorded in the spam list!

Please do not offer their services or products on the phone, thank you for your understanding!

Our official pages and groups in social networks

Learn more about «Softwizard» in social networks, communicate with IT professionals and common users! A large number of users are already members of our groups in social networks. Join now!

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Thank you for choosing the company «Softwizard» as a reliable supplier of licensed software, and (or) business partner.
Preferred currency
Exchange rates
Rate of Russian Central Bank. Updated: 10.11.2022 01:15
1 EURO = 61.2445 руб.
1 USD = 61.0611 руб.
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